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Friday, May 03, 2024

An opportunity not to be missed

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From 2017, 21st of July people from Pistoia can admire again one of the masterpiece of their town, which definitely will seduce visitors from all over the world in occasion of “Pistoia, Italian Capital of Culture 2017”. “La Visitazione” has just returned to Pistoia from Fine Arts Museum of Boston and from National Gallery of Washington. The sculpture will be exhibited until 2018 the 7th of January, in the suggestive Saint Leone's Church, recently restored, thank to a diocese and superintendence.

 “La Visitazione” was created around 1445 for the Church of San Giovanni Fuorcivitas, where it was usually placed and where will return at the end of the exhibition. It is one of the first work in glazed terracotta, technique of which Della Robbia is considered the inventor.  The Florentine artist has been the first to apply a tin glaze covering in order to make the surface shiny and resistant, starting with a successfully production. The group represents the encounter between Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, as the Luke Gospel tells.

On the occasion of this special staging the sculpture group will be exhibited in Saint Leone's Church, one of the most important examples of Baroque art in Pistoia, entirely frescoed. Vincenzo Meucci, undisputed protagonist of  the Florentine painting in the1700s, worked on the project between 1753 and  1764, joined by Giuseppe del Moro and Mauro Antonio Tesi.

In this fascinating context, visitors will be able to admire closely the majesty of glaze, fully recovered in its candour, and to observe the warm embrace between Mary and Elizabeth not only from their usual frontal view, but from different perspectives.

The juxtaposition between the traditional forms of  “La Visitazione”, which is expression of the most pure humanism and the light and theatrical Meucci's painting could be maybe appear reckless, but both are exalted by the dialogue created between different arts and periods.

The return of “ La Visitazione” will be celebrated on Friday 21st July from 6 pm in the Church of San Giovanni Fuorcivitas, in the present of the archbishop Monsignor Fausto Tardelli, the major of Pistoia Alessandro Tomasi, the superintendent Andrea Pessina, the president of Lucca Caripit Luca Iozzelli and Conad del Tirreno CEO Ugo Baldi. At the end of the ceremony, people can be able to admire this masterpiece in all its eternal beauty in Saint Leone's Church.

“La Visitazione” can be visited until 31st October from 10.00am to 7.00pm/ From 1st November to 7th January from 10.00am to 5.00pm.

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